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Can the Simple Pump hand pump water into my pressure tank?
Yes, the Simple Pump deep well hand-operated well pump can pump water into your home's pressure tank even from a deep well.
The Simple Pump hand pump is engineered and manufactured to have the strength and ability to hand pump water into your pressure tank. The weight of the pump system is essential to the amount of leverage and strength required to hand pump into a pressure tank and the Simple Pump is machined from a stainless steel billet to create a lightweight and strong pump capable of this pumping achievement.
The Simple Pump pressure gauge/check valve assembly prevents pressure push-back and configures the Simple Pump to pump into pressure tanks and other pressure connections.

Connection Methods
Simple Pump direct to the pressure tank
A pressure tank may be part of your household plumbing or part of an irrigation system. These pressure tanks have a faucet near the bottom normally used to drain the tank. Use the Simple Pump pressure gauge/check valve assembly to prevent pressure push-back and configure the Simple Pump to pump into the pressure tank faucet to fill the tank.
NOTE: Use a drinking water compatible hose or pipe when pumping into your home’s water system.

Simple Pump into an outside faucet
You may be able to connect a drinking water compatible hose or pipe from the Simple Pump to a faucet that exits directly from your house. This is most likely to be possible if your house was built pre-1980 or so. A house built more recently probably does not allow pumping into the faucet.
NOTE: Consult your plumber prior to trying this connection method.
Yard Hydrant
A yard hydrant is an outlet from your household plumbing for outside use. But many yard hydrants are designed in such a way that water can also be pumped into the hydrant and then into your pressure tank.
Connect a drinking water compatible hose or pipe from the Simple Pump to the yard hydrant, and start pumping.
NOTE: Consult your plumber prior to trying this connection method.
Simple Pump's Pitless Adaptor
Another unique advantage of the Simple Pump well pump system is our own pitless adaptor assembly. The submersible discharge pipe comes out through the side of your well casing and runs underground into your house.
The Simple Pump discharge can be routed through our specially engineered pitless and joined with your existing underground pipe.
NOTE: A 6″ or larger casing is required to have a submersible pitless and a Simple Pump pitless.
If your submersible hasn’t been installed yet and you know you want to buy a Simple Pump, discuss with us how to minimize the cost of the installation.
Other Pressurized System
Other pressurized systems, for example, a pressurized irrigation system allow for pumping into such a system. This is similar to the connections methods described above.
Pumping Uphill
Another form of pressure to pump “into pressure” is pumping uphill. The gravity is providing the additional pressure involved in this pumping configuration. All that is needed is the CV-1 Check valve.
With a Simple Pump, it’s easy to get the water you need, inside and outside, with or without power.