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Simple Pump Product Specifications

January 13, 2025
5 min read

The Simple Pump hand well pump is made from lead-free, stainless steel, and aluminum components.

NOTE: The aluminum is never in contact with water.

All components are Safe Drinking Water Act compliant.

Simple Pump is designed with very few points of wear: the u-cup seals on the piston and the rod seals in the pump head.


TENCOM Polyester Fiberglass Rod Specifications

Well caps

Simple Pump Well Caps are available in 2″, 3", 4″, 4.5″, 5″, 6″, 6.25″, 7″, and 8″ diameters.

Sucker Rods

Standard lift rods are manufactured to a 108″ length. Rods also available in 54″ and 27″ lengths.

Drop Pipe

Simple Pump Drop Pipes are made from Schedule 80 PVC, with stainless steel threaded couplers. (No gluing.) Top drop pipe comes standard with a 1/16″ diameter weep drilled into the sidewall of the PVC pipe, 48″ below the top. For areas with deeper freezing levels, the weep hole will be drilled at any desired level at no charge.

Motor Extension: 12v or 24v

Simple Pump Motors can be powered by a solar panel, battery, or other 12v or 24v DC source. Can pump from water levels down to 225′.