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Should I tie into my existing pitless or pump out of the well cap?

January 13, 2025
5 min read

The answer is that it depends. Consider the following questions:

  • How cold it is where you live?
  • How much do you need backup pumping?
  • Can your casing take a second pitless adaptor (6" ID needed)?
  • How much do you want to spend? A Simple Pump pitless adaptor can be installed.

Connecting to your existing underground line from your pitless adaptor requires substantially more work than exiting from the well cap.

If you do wish to go that route, the piping from the Simple Pump pitless is always tied into the pressure discharge piping from the submersible at or very close to the well head. A separate line from the well casing to the house for the Simple Pump pressure discharge is not necessary.

To avoid digging, many customers buy the check valve and gauge that allows them to hook a drinking water compatible hose from the Simple Pump discharge nipple to a yard hydrant, or spigot on the outside wall of the house, or to the drain in the area of the pressure tank. No digging, but still affords power outage back-up. You simply need to detach the hose from the pump outlet each time you fill your tank, so air can get in and allow the water in the pump to descend below freezing level, by exiting through the weep hole at 48”.